Postcards From The Edge: Thailand by Alfred James.

I got the call at around 1.20pm. My contact informed me a mob was gathering at the Victory Monument intersection, just a 5-minute walk from my apartment. Assuming the Pro Thaksin/ anti-government ‘Red Shirts’ were back out in force, I scurried down to get among the crowd. I climbed the steps to the Skytrain footbridge and bustled my way through hoards of intrigued people to get the best view, but, to my surprise, there was not a Red Shirt in sight. In fact, the anti-government protesters were two hours away in Pattaya attacking the Prime Minister’s car convoy as he left a conference...
Read the rest here.
Blog: Gavin Martin

On the evening of April 1st, at about 10pm, I completed the public transport leg of my journey home at Liverpool Street station in the City of London, only to find nearly every exit blocked. One was still open and it allowed people to spill out of the station on streets around it. But access to the main thoroughfare outside the station - Broadgate - was blocked by a line of riot police holding batons and truncheons.
The street they were "protecting" was empty, their threatening presence - intimidating "ordinary" (because of course protestors are actually extra terrestrials) commuters - was obviously a variant on the sinister crowd control technique known as "kettling".
I found myself standing there looking at the cops and the empty street beyond and went "off on one", as they say. I found myself saying this whole thing was a sham, a lie - symptomatic of a scared, morally bankrupt authority, unable to answer for the abject failing of the capitailist system they propogated, determined to pick a war with its own people.
People who in this instance just wanted to get home...
Read the rest here
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