Tuesday 19 October 2004

Syer pulls his pants up

When DJ Target first aired the track STD’s featuring OT Crews Dog-Z and Syer a couple of months back we didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. If anything’s going to hit home this will. B&S headed to the clinic and caught up with Syer.

Q: How did you come up with the track? Do OT Crew have a problem with infections?
A: Nah but people have never gone this way before, they talk about girls but we wanted to take it to the next level. We’ve always been raw and we wanted to keep it that way. If you’re funny and clever with it you can hit more people with the message. Some people have experienced it some haven’t but everyone will hear what we’re saying and hopefully the youngsters will be reminded to be careful. If you don’t listen you’re either stupid or drunk.

Q: If a girl tried to jump on you and you didn’t have protection what would you do?
A: Ha ha, she’d get chucked straight off mate!

Q: What’s response to the track been like?
A: It’s big, people love it. Some people took a while to get their head around it, I thought girls would have an attitude to it but now I hear there’s even a possible girls come back hitting the streets “Don’t think that pretty boys ain’t got shit…” I don’t know who’s supposed to be doing it but it could be interesting.

Q: What are OT working on?
A: We’re working on some solo stuff and working as a group on some bits, with Target and some new producers. I produce too as does DJ Shots so there’s stuff in the pipeline.

Q: And do MC’s really shag a lot after radio shows?
A: Some of them yeah! Be careful where you put it after radio shows, that’s what I’m saying.

DJ Target feat OT Crew - STD’s is out on Aim High Recordings now.
Check out http://www.rhythmdivision.co.uk for audio samples. You can hear OT Crew, Mondays 9-11pm on Rinse 100.3FM and DJ Shots Fridays 11-1am.

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