New Brit flick Shifty - where a young crack cocaine dealer in London sees his life spiral out of control when his best friend returns home - is heading for the list of cult underworld classics. And It’s a sure bet that lead actor Riz Ahmed’s star will continue to rise as a result…
Was it always your plan to become an actor? Given you studied philosophy, economics and politics at Oxford it's not the most obvious career path... It was always my hope to make music and films, and I was doing both before and throughout my time at Oxford. But this never seems like a realistic career path - wherever you're coming from. It's so competitive and getting the right breaks has a lot to do with luck. But I knew it'd be hard for me to be happy in a proper job, I'm quite restless. So going from project to project, changing modes and meeting new people suits me. Acting and music satisfy my inner hobo.
You've starred in a number of award winning projects - Michael Winterbottom's Road To Guantanamo, Britz and DeadSet (all for Channel 4) and now your first feature film, Shifty - what's been the high of your career to date? There's been different highs in different ways. When we got a standing ovation at Berlin Film Festival with Road to Guantanamo, up there with the ex-detainees themselves, that was very emotional and felt very special, like an important thing to be a part of. I guess professionally, getting nominated for a Best Actor BIFA against Colin Farrell for Shifty felt great. I didn't win, and other things I've done like Britz have won loads of awards, but Shifty's a tiny little film and that was a real moment of recognition. I love the idea of making an unexpected impact, coming in from left field. On the music side, supporting Massive Attack, Mos Def, and playing Fabric were very special, because I grew up listening to those acts and raving at Fabric.
And the low? The lows I suffer are small and frequent - I beat myself up a lot when I think I could have done something better than I did - I'm a workaholic and a perfectionist so it happens a lot and it means I'll never be satisfied. But I don't mind. If you're not trying to improve, what's the point?
Shifty was shot on just £100,000 over a few weeks, it must have been a pretty intense way to work? We were stupidly short on time, money, crew, and resources. I loved it. Everyone believed in the script and the director Eran, so it meant all hands on deck, it created a really unique vibe on set. The props guys would wade into sewage to retrieve a phone because we couldn't afford a replacement, Jason Flemyng was sweeping floors in between takes. It also created a massive sense of focus - you only have two takes at each scene when you're filming literally ten pages a day instead of the usual two pages, so you roll with the punches, and have to nail it. I like working under pressure. But I can't ride tricycle's under pressure. I came off that bike at a high speed.
When you first read the script did you think 'British cult classic', as it's now being tipped? I thought it deserved to be - it's a universal story told in a refreshing way, and the dialogue was so natural and funny. But we were always up against it, and I knew we'd have to step up to the mark and pull it of, hope that people support it when it's made. I know people will relate to it - that thing of seeing your old friends from where you grew up and it making you revisit your old ghosts, and question your present and your future. The way Shifty tells that story is a breath of fresh air. No stereotypes, no glamorizing crime, and no depressing, worthy, docu-realism. This film treats the audience with respect and also let's then enjoy the ride.
Who gets more love from the girls, you or Daniel Mays? Daniel's married so his loving is probably more regular, but also possibly less varied. Hahaha just joking. We're both in this to do solid interesting work, we're not really the type to have screaming fans or become poster boys, is the true and boring answer. Having said that, if you're interested, find me on myspace, haha.
You said in the past that it's hard playing more non-stereotypical roles, given your ethnicity, do you feel you're breaking that mould now? I don't take roles that are stereotypes or stock characters. But that can leave a small amount of roles left for me to consider. I've been lucky to get the best of a small bunch of good roles. But now it's changing, with Dead Set, and Shifty, and I hope I'm breaking that mould, that's something I would be proud to do. The films I've done have found an audience and connected with people of all backgrounds, and the public want to see the reality of our diverse society on screen - it's more the decision makers who need to catch up. Shifty is another kick against that door. It's a challenge to the industry - it's a new way of making films in so many ways.
You were given the chance to visit the real Shifty in prison but turned it down. Why? The starting point for Shifty is based on a real person, but the character I play is an every-man who has found himself on the wrong side of the tracks. The real guy is a great resource, I read his letters from prison and heard lots of stories about him, how intelligent, and focused he was. It all helped. But this isn't a bio-pic. The film is really about friendship, the paths we find ourselves and the people we care about taking - what we do to change their course - we can all relate to that from our own experiences.
The Shifty theme tune, which features yourself, Plan B and Sway, will be the first time a lot of people will have heard you waxing lyrical. How would you sum up Riz MC and how does he differ to Riz Ahmed? Riz MC is my extremes, it's me at my most thoughtful or hyperactive, honest or sarcastic. As an MC lyrical content is important to me - songs that are about something more than word play or bragging. And musically it's about putting that lyricism on new backdrops you don't usually hear an MC on - I've done tracks with no beats and just strings, and topped the dubstep carts with Radar which was released under a techno label last year! (Damain Lazarus' Crosstown Rebels). I'm really proud of the Shifty track - it's on iTunes May 11th on True Tiger. It feels great to be on there with two of my favorite rappers and know they want to work with you too. We got more votes then the new Eminem track on Zane Lowe's BBC Radio1 show!
And why rap? Couldn't you sing? Haha, I get to say more if I rap, and I can't shut up. But I wrote the hook on the Shifty tune, and am singing more on the album. People have prodded and poked me into doing it. Including you now. If it sounds rubbish it's your fault.
Tracks like 'Post 9/11 Blues' aren't going to get played on radio. Given your rising celebrity have you ever been tempted to take the commercial route as opposed to voicing views of a political (and often controversial) nature? It's funny you should say that - only two of my songs are political! I'm more interested in social politics - the way we look at each other, or feel pressured to fit in, or the way we play power games when we're in a relationship. But after my debut track was banned it then got forced onto the radio by internet support. So I think even if the music you make, or the way you release it is not the commercial "industry" way, you can still have a career on your own terms now and it becomes hard for the establishment to ignore you. I've taken years to release my first album (hopefully this year!) because I juggle acting and other things, but because each release has had an impact or got someone's attention I've been championed by BBC Radio1, playing Glastonbury, BBC Electric Proms, and a Maida Vale session with the Ting Tings for them... Some of my stuff is more underground, like Radar, and some is more commercial like the Shifty track. It's about what suits the song. And whether that suits the mainstream or not, there's other ways to get your music to people who want to hear it. I'm in this for the long term, and the most important thing to me is bringing something fresh that has substance, not blowing up over night. But there'll be a mix of stuff on the album.
You've just completed a year as a music resident at the Southbank, whilst juggling your growing acting commitments. Do you ever feel the need to choose between your music and acting career? I've always done both and each makes me better at the other. As an MC I've learned the importance of preparation and detail from acting, and MCing reminds me to stay loose and open to improvise as an actor. In terms of choices it just creates a healthy tension, every time I do a film I better believe in it, because that will stop me from touring or recording for that time. And vice versa.Things have a habit of lining up too. Britz was out the same week People Like People was all over radio, Shifty posters have gone up as the song's playlisted on MTV - and as an independent music artist and someone who is drawn towards acting work that isn't very Brady bunch, having the combined weight of both can help excite people and get exposure for projects that might otherwise get lost.
As a student you ran hip hop nights in Oxford, are you looking to get back into club promoting? My Hit&Run club brand currently runs in Manchester. I'm putting on a really special night at the Southbank Centre on 18th July - United Underground - with fresh new music, artwork, big name speakers from politicians to actors, and a roof-top party. It's with British Underground and Ctr.Alt.Shift - a rave with nu skool activism thrown in.
Out of interest, what's the shiftiest thing you've ever done? For every role I always end up having to do some shifty stuff. I pretended to be a law student and snuk into lectures to prepare as a spy for Britz, I did the rounds with some highly illegal types for Shifty, and once had to trade hash for an armed escort along the Afghan border during Road to Guantanamo. Can someone please offer me a nice rom-com?
Click on the image to read the details and enter the comp. Featuring Martin Freeman (The Office), Julian Barratt (Mighty Boosh) and musical talent including Chipmunk, The Thirst, Metronomy, Shy Child and The Young Knives.
I bet Justin's girl was pissed. Anyway, swear down. Blog of the day goes to MistaJam. Gracious K teaches Ciara the Migraine Skank. Man are like, show me...
We'll drop this at Shifty party. Sammi SoSo is on thissssssss. African funky and all sorts.
Years back I did a piece with Ciara for Smash Hits. T'was jokes:
Meet Ciara
Nineteen year old Ciara (pronounced Sierra) is already a huge star in her own country and now she’s coming to knock the socks off us Brits with her debut single Goodies. Smash Hits found out more over a girly chat about Goodies, Dizzee and bad kissing…
What's been the best thing about becoming a celeb? The best thing about what I do is that I have fun and enjoy myself. I don’t mind signing autographs and it can be really cool meeting fans… I wanna be the female P Diddy!
How did it feel to get to No1 with your first single in the States? I can definitely say it’s a blessing, I never expected to go to No1 let alone with my first single, I knew Goodies was a hit and I believed in it but I never imagined this.
Tell us, what are your Goodies? It can be a hug, kisses, a number, anything that’s good.
Who's your big celeb crush at the moment then? I don’t really have one to be honest. But I’d like to do a duet with Usher though. That would be hot.
How bling are you? The most expensive thing I’ve bought is my car, a black Honda which was about $18,000. The best thing about it is that the car seats turn into a bed if you want it to.
Would do you think about programmes like American Idol and X Factor? I don’t think I would go on one, I would have tried to work something else out but I think it’s a great show I love it. I actually got to co-write a track for the person that won American Idol this year, Fantasia, it’s on her album. I got to be a part of it which is cool.
Do you have a lot of celeb mates? Monica is like my sister, people like (rapper) Petey Pablo and Lil Jon are good friends too. One of my best friends is LaToya who used to be in Destiny’s Child. I’ve still got a lot of good friends from my hometown of Atlanta that aren’t artists though, I’m not really into the whole celeb or hanging out with celeb thing.
Have you been to England before? Yes, I was in London for the first time recently. I love the people, the accents and the shopping too. I’m coming back in January and I want to go and see more houses cause I love how you make them over there and buy some more clothes of course.
Do you like any UK music or artists? I don’t get to hear much but I’ve heard Dizzee Rascal. I haven’t got to meet Dizzee yet but I really want to cause I want to get him on a remix, doing a rap… I appreciate Dizzee’s music but I don’t know whether I’d fancy him or not.
Which part of your body do you like the best? My goodies!
“I got a bit worried that my top my fall off with all that dancing when I was making the video for Goodies. I made them secure it so it was stuck to me.”
“I’ve had some bad kisses before. If they’re all sloppy it’s like eugh”
“When I was at school I was doing a performance and I cracked up half way through. I had to apologise and try to go on.”
“When I first heard Dizzee Rascal ‘Fix Up, Look Sharp” I didn’t have a clue what he was saying until I got to England and someone told me. I was saying something totally different hahaha.”
“I was performing my first show for the record company and my pants ripped. Some people noticed but not most of them.”
They're rolling out the merch for Shifty HARD. Next up is the Shifty Mixtape, mixed by Rich Reason(Hit&Run/ Warehouse Project/ Ape/ Hemlock / Black Acre / Strange Fruit).
Nicky Fisher, who is shown in video footage being assaulted by a police sergeant at the vigil for Ian Tomlinson, has reportedly hired Max Clifford to represent her, and is rumoured to be asking £50k for an exclusive interview. It might seem like a bizarre juxtaposition – Clifford, typically associated with "kiss-and-tell" tabloid stories, and Fisher, apparently an "anti-capitalist" protestor - but in other ways it makes perfect sense. Many have accused her of "selling out", but what would you do if the press were hammering at your door, desperate for a scoop? There is something of a tradition of anti-capitalists 'playing the system', such as when Chumbawumba accepted large sums of money for letting Ford and Renault use their music, and promptly gave all the proceeds to support the likes of Indymedia and Corporate Watch.
Blog: Russell Myrie (author of the official Public Enemy biography, out now on Cannongate)
It's looking increasingly likely that the fallout from the G20 protests will have the same far reaching consequences for policing seen after the Brixton riots, Hillsborough, and the Stephen Lawrence inquiry.
The footage of a young woman being hit on the legs by a police officer roughly twice her size is probably even more shocking than the footage which shows Ian Tomlinson being knocked to the ground. In a perfect world the gender of the person would make no difference. But in the real world the fact that it's a woman will probably cause a more sympathetic response. Hitting a woman is the worst thing a man can do and when that man is a police officer the offence becomes even more worse. Of course anyone getting their legs taken away by a police officer who is supposed to be maintaining peace should expect a certain amount of sympathy. The chance to properly complain and see something done about it would be nice too.
What is especially worrying is the fact the sergeant in question is another police officer who deliberately obscured his badge number. Does this mean the attacks on the public were pre-meditated? I wonder how many officers that day decided to take similar action. Anyone who has read the autobiographies of Huey Newton and Bobby Seale (and there must be a few of you out there) will know this was a tactic used by police when they attacked The Black Panthers back in the day. It's more than a little shocking to see the technqiue used in (supposedly) civilised, modern Britain around three decades after The Panthers heyday. Thankfully, they can't obscure their faces.
On Monday 6th April, the Tamil community were united in their disgust over the Sri Lankan governments slaughter of their families back home, so they decided to occupy Parliament Square. Despite threats from the police, they stood strong, and over a week later are still out there, protesting in their hundreds and thousands. We went down to see what was going on...
Sivatharsan, 21: "We are staying here until the government meets our five demands, or until our last breath. We have been on hunger strike since 10am on Tuesday, and will accept no food or water for as long as it takes. The police can try to remove us, but for every one of us, there are 50 more students ready to replace us."
For those of you still in the dark, I edit the Ctrl.Alt.Shift website. We have new articles up everyday. I'm going to start seeding them on here too. First up the Thai protests and how music inspires revolution...
I got the call at around 1.20pm. My contact informed me a mob was gathering at the Victory Monument intersection, just a 5-minute walk from my apartment. Assuming the Pro Thaksin/ anti-government ‘Red Shirts’ were back out in force, I scurried down to get among the crowd. I climbed the steps to the Skytrain footbridge and bustled my way through hoards of intrigued people to get the best view, but, to my surprise, there was not a Red Shirt in sight. In fact, the anti-government protesters were two hours away in Pattaya attacking the Prime Minister’s car convoy as he left a conference...
On the evening of April 1st, at about 10pm, I completed the public transport leg of my journey home at Liverpool Street station in the City of London, only to find nearly every exit blocked. One was still open and it allowed people to spill out of the station on streets around it. But access to the main thoroughfare outside the station - Broadgate - was blocked by a line of riot police holding batons and truncheons.
The street they were "protecting" was empty, their threatening presence - intimidating "ordinary" (because of course protestors are actually extra terrestrials) commuters - was obviously a variant on the sinister crowd control technique known as "kettling".
I found myself standing there looking at the cops and the empty street beyond and went "off on one", as they say. I found myself saying this whole thing was a sham, a lie - symptomatic of a scared, morally bankrupt authority, unable to answer for the abject failing of the capitailist system they propogated, determined to pick a war with its own people.
People who in this instance just wanted to get home...
Given this is promo for Beyonce, there's not many good shoes or back offs to be seen... let alone an afro or weave. Or anyone who's of colour. This is to promote free tickets to Trident gig in November but isn't Trident the black on black gun crime unit? I'm lost but I get the point... It's just not up there with T Mobile's though.
Having kindly taking time out of his busy acting schedule to be on the judging panel of our film competition, we borrowed another ten minutes from Adam Deacon - star of Kidulthood, Adulthood and Dubplate Drama - to get the low down on life under the spotlight...
What are you currently working on? I'm currently doing a new play at the Stratford East Royal called Young Blud, all about the knife culture in east London.
How did it feel seeing Noel Clarke win the BAFTA? I was very proud. Noel has been a massive inspiration to me, he's someone that spotted my talent from day one and has always tried to help me get out there.
How did you and he come to work together then? We met at the Kidulthood casting way back in 2002. He said to me later on that when he met me he knew that I was (the character) Jay right there... we just kinda clicked.
How did you first get into the acting game? I went to a place called Anna Sher in Islington, with the likes of Reggie Yates, Tiana Benjamin, and Joe Swash. Kathy Burke and even Dizzee Rascal have been through the doors too.
Is it hard not to get typecast in movies? Defo, theres not many actors that haven't been type cast in one way or another - but I don't worry about it!
What would be your dream role? Bond! Or maybe acting alongside Beyonce in a Hollywood blockbuster. But for now I wouldn't mind putting a lil bit of street in Albert Square - I think I could have quite an impact on a show like that (Eastenders).
Are you writing any films or programmes yourself? Yep, I'm currently wriiting a comedy feature film set in the hood. It's gonna be massive!
Are you working on much musically? My first mixtape is taking forever cause everytime I start working on it another acting job pops up and I have to put it on hold, but for me music and acting go hand in hand.
Why are movements like Ctrl important? Because kids are fighting over madness most of the time - postcodes and petty beef - when there's a whole bigger picture to what's really going on.
Are there any world causes/ issues you're passionate about? Making the youth see there are other options out there... And putting the guns and knifes down man!
What do you think about our film competition - have you ever entered something like it? I think any opportunity for people trying to get into the industry to work with professionals on there way up is always a good thing.
Any tips you can give to aspiring film makers and/ or actors? Success will not happen over night, it takes years of learning your craft so just keep focused and don't be put off by not earning money from it at the start. And don't give up at the first hurdle - as I said it will take years of hard graft!
Words: Chantelle Fiddy, Ctrl.Alt.Shift editor.
To be in with a chance to win tickets for the Ctrl.Alt.Shift premiere, sign up to the Ctrl.Alt.Shift ezine by sending an e-mail to with 'WIN TICKETS' in the subject and your name and e-mail address in the e-mail (maximum one entry per email address). Winners will be notified by Friday 8th May.
On Thursday May 14th, Ctrl.Alt.Shift will host an evening of music and film, by young people for young people, that tackles current global issues and injustices.
The evening marks the culmination of a national competition launched by Ctrl.Alt.Shift in 2008. The competition invited aspiring filmmakers aged between 18 and 25 to write a treatment based around one of three key issues - War + Peace, Gender + Power and HIV + Stigma.
Those who won would be given the opportunity to bring their treatment to life on the big screen. In addition to being provided with a budget and cast, the prize included the money-can't-buy opportunity to be mentored by some of the UK's finest directors, Aoife McArdle, Chris Harding from Shynola, Kinga Burza, Paul Andrew Williams and Jim Threapleton. The five winners (Travers Hawkins, Joe Patrick, Fern Berresford, Alex Monro and Sheila Menon) were announced in January 2009.
The result of these partnerships is five brilliant, engaging shorts ('A Thousand Voices', 'HIV: The Musical', 'Man Made', 'No Way Through' and 'War School') which star some of the leading names from UK film and television such as Julian Barrett (Mighty Boosh) and Martin Freeman (The Office), and boast soundtracks specially recorded by some of the UK's hottest musical talent (Young Knives, Chipmunk, Shy Child, Metronomy and Jesca Hoop).
'A Thousand Voices', 'HIV: The Musical', 'Man Made', 'No Way Through' & 'War School' will be premiered on 14th May at Shoreditch Studios, east London. Three of the music acts behind the soundtracks, namely Young Knives, Jesca Hoop and The Thirst, will be performing on the night. By bringing together creative elite and fresh young talent, Ctrl.Alt.Shift hopes the event will offer a characteristic platform for key global concerns to be showcased.
To win a pair of tickets for the event, sign up to the Ctrl.Alt.Shift ezine by sending an e-mail to with 'WIN TICKETS' in the subject and your name and e-mail address in the e-mail (maximum one entry per email address). Winners will be notified by Friday 8th May.
Congratulations to RWD massive on their latest project. You may remember the Boo Kru... well this isn't it. But it is an animated cartoon series, scripted by the main man Danny Walker with input from man like Dacre Bracey too. A collaboration with Levis Twisted Originals, it's a nice bit of experiential marketing for the masses.
Not an official video by any means, but this tune is intense and Bless Beats (on production) proves he's no one trick pony (or dog/ donkey etc...). Also watch out for forthcoming tune from Bless called 'Sex In The City'... Good summer funky flavour. Now, take a moment to bow at the shrine of Wiley...
A must see movie. Great article in the new issue of Little White Lies on Riz Ahmed too. And catch Hattie Collins interview with Daniel Mays in the new RWD. I'll be playing at the launch party, Bar Rhumba, 24th April.
I put this up a few months back in a more freestyle form, but i've still not mastered the dance. Issac tried to teach me at the Dubplate wrap party but i was like whatever. Innit. Not sure I love the video but it does the job. Innit. We'll be playing this at Shifty launch party for sure though.
Admittedly, I smiled but Blackberry must be feeling parrrrrrrred right now... Mixed reaction on Twitter over this - some people feel like Hammer is taking Blackberry for any chump brand - Blackberry position themselves for the profreshionals... if you ain't getting bare emails and you're wasting your life, then go holla. There are of course those who find this comedy genius and can't wait to drop it. From a business/ branding perspective, If it means Blackberry will steal the tastemaking man dem and their followers from iPhone then who knows what Blackberry's next marketing move will be (give away free Storms - it's not like you can sell em afterall).
A rough diamond, from London to Ireland. I first heard Maverick, in his guise as a rapper, when he entered a competition to win a session with Plan B, while I worked at 679. There were a few entries which stood out but he was the clear winner. Semothy Jones and Ben Drew have been working with Maverick ever since. Following from a distance, I hadn't check on the MySpace for a while... but I've been missing out on something serious. Maverick Sabre is singing acoustic, and there's some really strong songs among the selection. Check 'They Found Him A Gun' and 'Hush A Bye Baby...'. If you'd like to see him live and happen to live in London, he'll be performing at Troy bar, this Thursday night.
Sat here listening to the new album Love & War when I should be doing other things (that don't involve Twitter or social networking of any description). Highlights include 'Water And A Flame' feat. Adele and 'Red'. Many a true word spoken. A worthy investment on forthcoming release.
'Might Like You Better' is the first track from Amanda Blank's debut album, I Love You, out July 14th on Downtown. I love her music and choice of earrings. She's like a younger version of Pat Butcher but a bit hotter. Download here.
Let us take a small chronic break from the monotony of the whinging and whining we encounter on a daily basis and reflect a little on the G20, in particular the protests. Ctrl.Alt.Shift, the magazine and website of which I edit, had troops at various locations, representing to the max. Some of the reports that have come back are not only excellent examples of journalism from a younger demographic but a reminder of what it's all about - not blood shed that's for sure... As Ctrl.Alt.Shift is moving servers you can't actually view them till Monday but make sure you check back for the latest from the frontline.
G20 Focus: Lemmers Report Richard Lemmer, a student who can be found studying in York, is news editor of Ctrl.Alt.Shift and he focuses on the media coverage of the G20 protests.
G20 Focus: Climate Rush Lance Boyd is online editor for Arts London News and reflects on the idiots who ruined the day for those who went with the cause in mind.
G20 Focus: Climate Rush Kevin Perry, a graduate from LSE, reports on how a peaceful sit in turned nasty.
G20 Focus: Capitalism Doesn't Work Eighteen year old Ctrl.Alt.Shift blogger Jody McIntyre, author of the Life On Wheels series, rolls out with his Capitalism Doesn't Work banner.
G20 Focus: The Bank Riots In his second installment Jody McIntyre watches things kick off outside the RBS.
G20 Focus: Black Horse Down Ben Anderson, staff writer with Ctrl.Alt.Shift, reports from the Black Horseman of the Apocolypse branch of the protest.
G20 Focus: The Anti Anarchist Vikki White, a marketing officer with Platform2 reflects on anarchistic anger and why she didn't want to be a part of it, in favour of the peaceful nature of Put People First.
All photography in articles by Patch Cordwell, videotographer with Arts London News.